Domestic and International Courier Service

Metro Express Courier service Domestic All over Nepal International All over the world! Metro Express invites you to be part of the world's fastest growing logistics company. Grab this incredible business opportunity now!

International Courier Service

International Courier Service Let’s take your logistics to the global market together. Metro Express provides international delivery to all countries around the world. Drop by our nearest outlet to know more about our services.

Domestic By Air Courier Service

Domestic By Air Courier Service Metro Express invites you to be part of the world's fastest-growing logistics company. Grab this incredible business opportunity now! Drop by or contact our head office to know more.

Domestic By Road Courier Service

E-commerce businesses need good inventory management of all goods to ensure a seamless supply chain. Metro Express has the capability to handle sensitive goods, and fragile and heavy shipments, without any hassles.

City courier

E-Commerce Solutions Are Tailored To Suit Your Customers’ Needs As Well As The Size Of Your Business We offer e-commerce solutions that assist start-ups and established businesses in supply chain management, technical support, and more.

Never off Delivery

We make Global shipping and National deliveries far more reliable and affordable. Metro Express makes it possible! Drop by or contact our head office to know more.

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International Courier Service in Kathmandu
Metro Express has opened a new service point.
How do I send my goods to countries outside Nepal?.

Metro Express

Metro Express Courier service Domestic All over Nepal International All over the world! Metro Express invites you to be part of the world's fastest-growing logistics company. Grab this incredible business opportunity now! and Metro Express was launched by Anil Thapa on 28 February 2017

International Courier

International Courier

Domestic Courier

Domestic Courier

City courier

City courier
